
Do you remember the days in '69, seeing all the skinheads standing
in a line Foaming at the mouth, Waiting for a fight, High boots, cropped hair, what a fuckin sight
Come back of
the skinhead, come back of the boot People that we don't beat up, We're gonna fucking shoot We are the new breed, we
will have our say, we are the new breed, we are today
Down in East London, Trouble on the street, On the street
corners, the gangs do meet Talking about the weekend, What they're gonna do? If you aint careful gonna do you!
back of the skinhead, come back of the boot People that we don't beat up, We're gonna fucking shoot We are the new breed,
we will have our say we are the new breed, we are today
Chaos in the city Civil war now,
Skinheads know what to do, skinheads know how Skinhead with
his boots on Nobodys fool ,
Skinheads taking over Chaos is the rule! Chaos, chaos, chaos
- dont give a toss Chaos, chaos, chaos - dont give a toss!
From the cradle to the grave always trying to be brave Show
his courage to everyone From his birth to his death Gotta prove that he's the best Done everything thats gotta
be done
Cause he's Yesterday's Hero Yesterday's Hero in every way Yesterday's Hero Yesterday's
Hero is forgotten today
Wants to try his hand at pop Have a record at the top All his records are lots
of fun Concerts city style They all make you smile Ain't it all a load of fun?
Cause he's Yesterday's Hero Yesterday's Hero in every way Yesterday's
Hero Yesterday's Hero is forgotten today
On Telly every day Copied in every way Fans ask for an
autograph Some kind of superman Photographs for a fan Don't it all make yer laugh?
Cause he's Yesterday's Hero Yesterday's Hero in every way Yesterday's
Hero Yesterday's Hero is forgotten today




Wearing braces of red, white, and blue doing what he thinks
he ought to do Used to be a punk and a mod too His mother says its just a phase he's going through
a Clockwork skinhead, just a clockwork skinhead Clockwork skinhead- got no choice He's a Clockwork skinhead, just a
clockwork skinhead clockwork skinhead-One of the boys
Take him to the pub, buy him a beer Tell him what he wants
to hear Wind him up like clockwork toy wants to be a man but he's just a boy
He's a Clockwork skinhead, just
a clockwork skinhead Clockwork skinhead- got no choice He's a Clockwork skinhead, just a clockwork skinhead clockwork
skinhead-One of the boys
Believes everything the papers say What's he gonna be today What is it hip to be Will
he be himself or will he copy me?
He's a Clockwork skinhead, just a clockwork skinhead Clockwork skinhead- got no
choice He's a Clockwork skinhead, just a clockwork skinhead clockwork skinhead-One of the boys
ACAB - All Coppers Are Bastards
Walking down the road with my mates one night We got in
a little fight Geezer run towards me with a knife in his fist I got cut along the wrist
Coppers Are Bastards
Coppers come up & say what's wrong with you? come with us and see what we
can do Next thing I knew I was in a cell All my mates in there as well
ACAB ACAB ACAB All Coppers Are
I had to go to Court to plead my case Jury didnt like the look of my face
Judge said I'm gonna put you away Asked if I had anything
to say, I said.......
ACAB ACAB ACAB All Coppers Are Bastards
Britains in trouble, countrys bled dry handicapped and
eldery have all gotta die no one fights the system, fight with each other the combine is laughing, scared of big brother
are we gonna get What are we gonna get What are we gonna get in 1984
Rats leave the sinking ship, theyve got
their money made third world countries, sending us aid people queue up just to get their ration not the birth, but
the death of a nation
What are we gonna get What are we gonna get What are we gonna get in 1984
there be some heroes,into 85 when the bomb is dropped,and how do you stay alive Orwell said it all, he looked the future
in the face Giant test tube babies,build a brand new race
What are we gonna get What are we gonna get What
are we gonna get in 1984
Go to football, throw a brick,
Get no mercy, months in nick
Riot in the ghetto, red alert,
Guilty free, innocent hurt
We've been warned of rivers of blood
See the trickle before the flood
Pretend nothing happened, make
no fuss
One law for them, One for us
One law for them, One law for them,
One law for them, and another law for us
No fun, no homes, no job, no use
what else is used as an excuse
Families fighting, familes looting
next theres death, then theres shooting
One law for them, One law for them,
One law for them, and another law for us
Riots in London, blame Old Bill
We've been lucky no ones killed
Violence on the streets, more to follow
Freedom for those freedom fighters
One law for them, One law for them,
One law for them, and another law for us
I like breaking arms and legs slapping faces, wringing necks Now
i'll knife you in the back Kick your bones until they crack
I´m Evil, evil, evil, evil Evil, evil, evil, evil
up and down upon your head Kick you around 'til your dead Fill your body full of lead See the roads turn to red
Evil, evil, evil, evil Evil, evil, evil, evil
I don't like trendy cunts who pose Gonna punch you in the Nose Stick
my Marten in your crotch Don't like you, you're too much
I´m Evil, evil, evil, evil Evil, evil, evil, evil
Evil, evil, evil, evil Evil, evil, evil, evil
I won't say sorry for what i've done I won't say sorry for
having fun I won't take the blame No I ain't gonna be ashamed Won't say sorry for what i've done I don't say sorry
to anyone
Shout it out Shout it out I don't give a damn cos im proud of what i am Shout it out Shout it
out I don't give a damn 'cos i'm proud of what i am I don't give a damn 'cos i'm proud of what i am
I won't say
sorry to you If you think I will you know what you can do I won't apologise and I won't put up with any of you lies I
won't say sorry to you You can stick that up your arsehole too
Shout it out Shout it out I don't give
a damn cos im proud of what i am Shout it out Shout it out I don't give a damn 'cos i'm proud of what i am I don't
give a damn 'cos i'm proud of what i am
I won't say sorry for the way I act I won't say sorry for the manners I
lack I won't say sorry at all I won't say sorry 'cos it makes me feel small I won't say sorry for the way I act I
won't say sorry and thats a fact
Shout it out Shout it out I don't give a damn cos im proud
of what i am Shout it out Shout it out I don't give a damn 'cos i'm proud of what i am I don't give a damn 'cos
i'm proud of what i am
Wonderful World
Just left school cant find no work Be a building labourer or
an office clerk Cant believe the men youve seen On the scrapheap and youre only 17
What a wonderful world What a wonderful world this is
Standing on the corner waiting for a bus Old Bill come and try
to nick you for SUS You try tell them that youve done nothing wrong They tell you not to sing the same song
What a wonderful world What a wonderful world this is
Standing in the pub on your own for the night Group of nutters
try to pick a fight You can try and plead for your life Theyre still cut you with a fucking great knife
What a wonderful world What a wonderful world this is
Who wants to work when the cash aint there
Who wants to get up where theres no where to stay!!!
Who wants a job when theres nothing about,
You can stuff employment, thats what we say
Sleeping all day, sitting up all night
poncing fags thats all right
We're on the dole and we're proud of it
We're ready for 5 More Years
Don't want to know about the privileged few
Don't want to know what its costing the land
Don't want to join the job hunting queue
I just want to sit here and hold out my hand
Sleeping all day, sitting up all night
poncing fags thats all right
we're on the dole and we're proud of it
We're ready for 5 More Years
You can keep the politicians and what they do
You can keep your songs about the down and outs
You can praise the politicians if you knew
Theyre responsible for us down and outs
Cheers to the Government who cause redundancies
Cheers to the Unions who make men strike
Cheers to the men who bring the country to its knees
And cheers to us layabouts, the life we like
Sleeping all day, sitting up all night
poncing fags thats all right
We're on the dole and we're proud of it
We're ready for 5 More Years
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Copyright Note: All photographs on this web-site are owned by Tom McCourt and he has given his permission for their use
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Copyright (c) 2004 Tommy Cassidy. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
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